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Pagan Daybook
Timeless magic

For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Pagan Daybook is a calendar to keep track of the days of the week, the ancient and modern tides and the pagan festivals and observances that fall on each day of the year. Far more interesting than a conventional calendar, it's something unique to put in the Startup group of Windows, or to use as your screen saver. Never miss another solstice... or, perhaps more importantly, another saturnalia.
Pagan Daybook features an extensive database of listings — with five or six thousand years of civilization to draw on, it has at least one observance for every day of the year — full color graphics, an integrated screen saver, animation, user-configurable entries, selectable themes and various bits of magic. It includes a searchable calendar to allow you to query the database of observances.
WARNING: This software contains references to pagan beliefs and, depending on how you configure it, it may include details from classical paintings in which some of the subjects aren't wearing very much. If you feel that this might offend you, please do not download Pagan Daybook.
This software is available for electronic delivery and on DVD-ROM.
Pagan Daybook will:
- Display the current day in the pagan calendar, with graphics, animation and other lore.
- Show you the current phase of the moon.
Provide you with a perpetual calendar for any year from 1583 through the middle of the twenty-sixth century.
- Browse its database to let you look up the entry for any day of the year.
- Create personal days to override its text and graphics with entries of your own.
- Apply themes to configure Pagan Daybook to your liking.
- Display itself as a Windows screen saver.
- Keep itself interesting by changing its appearance periodically.
- Optionally play your choice of music when it's visible, or when it's blanking your screen.
- Offer you an unlimited source of convincing, documentable excuses to knock off work.
Should you wish to contact us about this application, please send us some e-mail.
The Pagan Daybook Q&A page offers answers to frequently asked questions about Pagan Daybook.
IMPORTANT: Pagan Daybook requires access to the Internet to validate itself after installation. Please see the discussion of registration key security for a detailed discussion of this functionality.
You can ensure yourself of a problem-free installation by reviewing our downloading and installation instructions. Downloadable installers can be used to install either an evaluation copy or a fully-functional registered copy of Alchemy Mindworks' applications.
Unknown Publisher Warning: You might see a warning during download or installation of our software to the effect that the publisher of these products could not be verified. We invite you to read a more detailed explanation of these messages. They can safely be ignored or disabled.
Smart Screen Warning: You might encounter a large blue window when you run one of our installers to the effect that Windows Protected your PC, and that the "app" in question is unrecognized. You can safely ignore this — click on More Info and proceed to install the software. Please read the Smart Screen notice for more about this, and for assistance with disabling this feature.
Not Commonly Downloaded Warning: Depending on your configuration of Windows, you might see a warning to the effect that your Alchemy Mindworks software is "not commonly downloaded." This is nothing to be concerned about — please see our discussion of this issue.
Norton Antivirus: If you're running Norton Antivirus, please read the WS.Reputation notice before you download an installer from this page.
Downloading: Note that you'll probably need to actually click on one of the following DOWNLOAD buttons to download an installer, rather than copying and pasting its link, or using it with a third-party download manager.
The DOWNLOAD UK button points to our server in Great Britain. If you're outside North America — or if you're encountering issues downloading from our primary servers — please try the one in the UK.
If you encounter a problem downloading one of our installers, we're here to help — please contact us and let us know what happened.
Installing: Be sure you're logged into your system as a normal user, not as Administrator, when you install and subsequently run this software.
Pagan Daybook is available in 32- and 64-bit editions. The 64-bit edition is supported by 64-bit Windows 10 and 11. The 32-bit edition will run under any version of Windows right back to Windows XP.
Click on one of the following links to download Pagan Daybook 64-bit 16.0a revision 1. This file is 132,346,880 bytes in length.
Click on one of the following links to download Pagan Daybook 32-bit 16.0a revision 1. This file is 129,248,256 bytes in length.
Pagan Daybook Animation Gallery:
The Pagan Daybook Animation Gallery will add a generous library of truly breathtaking animations to Pagan Daybook. Once it's installed, use the Select Animations option of the right-click menu to see your new toys. Note that you must have a registered copy of Pagan Daybook to install the Pagan Daybook Animation Gallery.
Alchemy Mindworks' applications won't install spyware, malware or other invasions of your privacy, and we're extremely careful about virus scans. Learn more about the security of our downloaded installers.
As of this writing, if you have previously registered or upgraded to Pagan Daybook 15, you can still upgrade to Pagan Daybook 16 for half price. We are able to provide some limited support for the version 15 software, but it's becoming increasingly vulnerable to changes in Windows and some third-party security products.
If you have previously registered Pagan Daybook 15 and you need to download the final release to reinstall your software, please contact us for a download link. Be sure to include your Pagan Daybook 15 registration name and key.
Pagan Daybook 2 through 14 have reached their ends-of-life, and they have been removed from distribution. We no longer have replacement installers for these products. We are able to provide replacement registration keys and limited support for Pagan Daybook 15. We recommend that you register Pagan Daybook 16.
Pagan Daybook™ is a trademark of Alchemy Mindworks Corporation.
The monitor graphic is used under license from DryIcons. The link graphic for Pagan Daybook is a detail from a photograph of the Green Man Keystone at the Carnegie Mellon University College of Fine Arts building, from Wikimedia Commons, used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.