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Order Status
Where's my stuff...

This page will check the status of your order for Alchemy Mindworks products, including software, software registrations and CD-ROMs.
IMPORTANT: If less than one business day has ellapsed since you placed the order you want to check the status of, click on BACK now. Your order is not in our database just yet, and its status can't be tracked.
Please complete the following form and click on the Submit button, below. You will receive a reply within one business day, and usually on the same business day. Note that business days do not include weekends or Canadian holidays.
The highlighted fields are required — your message will not be delivered if any of them are blank or unselected.
Fine Print — Requesting Order Status
Order status requests are usually answered within one hour during business hours, and within one business day at other times. For your security, our customer database is not stored on line, and as such it can only accessed when there's someone in the office.
We're extremely serious about privacy — please see our privacy statement for more about this. All communications through this page are deemed to be governed by this document — by using this page, you agree to be bound by its terms.