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E-Mail Alchemy Mindworks
We're here to help

We look forward to hearing from you. To help us respond to your query in a timely manner, please complete the following form. Click on Submit, below, and your message will be sent to the recipient you've selected.
Please note:
- UNSPEAKABLY IMPORTANT: If you require support for Alchemy Mindworks software, please see our support page. This includes assistance with installation and registration issues. Our customer service staff can't address technical stuff... trust us.
- If this is your first time sending mail to Alchemy Mindworks, we ask that you read the fine print below. Should you find yourself in a raging hurry, here are the bulletted points:
○ Our mail is usually answered within a few hours.
○ We ask that you not use jargon or abbreviations in your message.
○ Be certain to quote your entire message thread if you reply to our reply.
○ We can only respond to messages written in English.
○ Don't even think about sending us unsolicited advertising or promotions.
○ Please be polite — flaming us will spoil your day.
- If you have lost your registration key, please don't send us e-mail. Visit the Lost Registration Key Robot to request a replacement key.
- To add, remove or change an entry in the Alchemy Mindworks e-mail update list, please see the mailing list page.
- Please send one copy of your message. If you have chosen an inappropriate destination, your message will be routed internally until it reaches someone who can respond to it.
All of the following fields are required — your message will not be delivered if any of them are blank or unselected.
Fine Print
Our e-mail is usually answered within one hour during business hours, and within one business day at other times. We've been known to let this lofty ideal slip now and again when we get really swamped, but we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
In contacting us for assistance with technical matters, we ask that you state your questions as clearly and simply as possible, using no all-caps text, jargon, abbreviations or other bits we're unlikely to understand. We're pleased to assist you, but doing so will be somewhat tricky if we don't know what you're asking.
If we reply to you and you reply to our reply — a phenomenon referred to as a "message thread" — please quote all the previous messages in the thread. We respond to hundreds of messages per day, and this is the only way we'll be able to keep track of what's been said.
We are only able to respond to messages written in English.
Our mail server will not accept unauthorized attachments in excess of 100 kilobytes. If you'd like to e-mail us a file with which you have encountered difficulties, or a large screen capture illustrating something pertinent to your message, please get in touch with us first. Please send us screen captures as JPG files.
Alchemy Mindworks will not condone the use of its e-mail resources for the distribution of spam and other unsolicited advertising.
If you have encountered a problem with our software, an order placed with us or something to do with our web pages or servers, be assured that it wasn't meant personally and we'd like to resolve it without flames, bloodshed or limited nuclear warfare. Contacting us in a polite, reasonable manner will get your problem addressed promptly.
We're extremely serious about privacy — please see our privacy statement for more about this. All communications through this page are deemed to be governed by this document — by sending us e-mail, you agree to be bound by its terms.