Quick Links
- Download Animation Plugins
- Buy It Now
- GIF Construction Set Professional
- PNG MNG Construction Set
- 3D Effects #1
- Buttons #2
- Electronic Signs #2
- Elements #1
- Extreme Filters #1
- Loops #1
- Photo Effects #1
- Technology #1
- Text Effects #2
- Text Effects #3
- Text Effects #4
- Text Effects #5
- Tiles #1
- Transitions #2
- Transitions #3
- Animation Plugins Q&A
Animation Plugins
Breathtaking animations, no weird math required...

For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Alchemy Mindworks' animation plugins will add new capabilities to GIF Construction Set Professional and PNG MNG Construction Set. Access a rich library of state-of-the-art special effects to build dazzling web page animations or graphic accessories for use with Animation Workshop, Presentation Wizard and Screen Saver Construction Set.
They can also be used as video special effects and imported into PowerPoint documents for an unforgettable presentation.
These animation plugins can be installed in the current versions of GIF Construction Set Professional and PNG MNG Construction Set. We invite you to download evaluation copies of the plugins to check out what they can do for you.
Note that the animation plugins are paid for and registered separately from the software in which they're installed. See the Q&A for complete details.
Plugin Bundles: Save up to $80.00 with the Alchemy Mindworks animation plugin bundles. Please visit our secure server e-commerce page for details. You can also order the animation plugin bundles through our toll-free order desk at 1-800-263-1138. |
Loops #1 | Transform your short digital video clips and other live content into professional micro-movies with twenty special-effect end-loop transitions. Lose the awkward jumps as your animations restart. Get yourself a folding chair with "director" printed on the back. | |
Text Effects #5 | Make the titles at your web pages, the headlines at your blog, the signatures for your e-mail and the talking points of your PowerPoint presentations impossible to ignore. Turn your text into animations cool enough to shatter penguins. | |
Extreme Filters #1 | Add a new dimension to your animations — preferably one that no living being is quite the same after visiting. The Extreme Filters #1 plugin will process your existing GIF and MNG animations to make them fracture reality, transcend human experience and play power chords on the neighbor's cat. Some of these claims have not been scientifically verified, but it's pretty cool none the less. | |
Photo Effects #1 | Your still photographs need be still no longer — the 20 animated effects in this plugin will let them rock. Your web pages will be impossible to ignore; your PowerPoint presentations will cause your viewers to levitate for a better look at the screen; your videos will attract an embarrassing number of awards; your e-mail will make strong men weep and dogs bark. Your mileage may vary. | |
Animated Tiles #1 | Transmute your web pages into thunderous, pulsating rain forests of color and shape that will tantalize the imaginations and overwhelm the senses of anyone who gets within a hundred yards of one. Build seamless animated backgrounds to make pixels on monitors around the world beat each other up for the opportunity to display your content. | |
Text Effects #4 | Turn your words into animated graphics that can transmute lead into gold, warp time, find the ends of the earth, save the whales, reverse global warming, increase the consumption of fish, bring back the '54 Studebaker and frighten the horses. No foolin' | |
Buttons #2 | Create graphic buttons for your web pages that are bright, cool, quick, hard, sharp, radical, in-your-face, take-no-prisoners, born to rock and unlikely to be mistaken for anything having to do with liberal politics, bird watching or environmentally-friendly cars. | |
Electronic Signs #2 | Add animated electronic signs to your web pages, PowerPoint Presentations, e-mail messages and other documents. Be noticed even if your users are looking through three inches of solid steel. | |
Transitions #3 | Transmute your still graphics into unforgettable animations with these state-of-the-art effects. Make your web pages impossible to ignore, become embarrassingly wealthy, buy a small country to keep your excess cash in. | |
Text Effects #3 | Build headlines with 20 effects that can warp time, save the whales, improve gas mileage and make you a minor deity. Sophisticated tiles, textures and gradients will make your words unforgettable, even if some of them are spelled incorrectly. | |
Text Effects #2 | Make your headlines and banners scream — add still and animated text in 20 breathtaking effects, enhanced with a limitless selection of textures, tiles and gradients. | |
Technology #1 | Enhance your web pages with 20 animated technological devices, including sound meters, plasma arcs, stopwatches, altimeters and a substantial amount of science fiction. | |
Transitions #2 | Turn your still images into eye-catching animations with dozens of start-of-the-art animated transitions. You can blast, blind, block, collapse, crush, dissolve, expand, fold, implode, matrix, scan, swirl, warp and wave your graphics until they're impossible to ignore. | |
3D Effects #1 | Add a whole new dimension to your pages with this collection of animated 3D objects. Apply your own graphics to the surfaces of cubes, cards, disks and pyramids, and create rotating 3D text. | |
Elements #1 | Make visitors to your pages forget where their BACK buttons are with these captivating animations. Include fireworks, rippled water, lake reflection, an orbiting lens over a still graphic and a 3D page curl in your animations and banners. | |
Academy Leader | Build traditional movie leaders with this free plugin. |